Standard Loyalty Program


The software supports several types of loyalty programs. This page explains how to set up the Standard Loyalty Program.


In the Standard Loyalty Program, the customer earns loyalty points based on dollars spent and then can redeem their points for certain inventory items or a gift card. You can set up a single-level loyalty program, where customers continually earn the same number of points per dollar spent, or a multi-level loyalty program, where customers have the opportunity to reach spending goals, called thresholds, that promote them to a higher loyalty level for a better reward, such as doubling their points earned per dollar spent.


The steps on this page will walk you through the setup process, which entails setting the program structure and details, determining which sales categories will earn customers loyalty points through purchases, determining the inventory items for which customers can redeem their rewards, and enrolling customers in the loyalty program.

Set the Loyalty Program Structure and Details

Step by step:

  1. In POSExpress, go to Tools > Options > Loyalty Options.
    The screen will display the types of loyalty programs available.

  2. Select Enable Loyalty, then Standard Loyalty. Now select Save to activate the program.
    The Save button is located at the bottom of the screen.

  3. From the Options menu, go to Loyalty Options > Standard Loyalty Setup > Customer Loyalty Program.
    The Manage Customer Loyalty Program screen opens.

  4. Select Add. A setup screen will open for creating loyalty levels. You must add at least one loyalty level. You may chose a program with multiple levels, and you will dd all loyalty levels using this screen.

    Enter the following details for a loyalty level:

    a. Name: Create a title for the level. If you want to have only one level, you could simply name it Loyalty. If you choose multiple levels, you could use names such as Silver, Gold, and Platinum, for example.

    b. Threshold: Set a goal for points earned that will promote customers to the next level of the loyalty program. For example, enter 100 if you would like them to earn 100 loyalty points before moving up to the next level. If your loyalty program only has one level, then leave this field blank.

    c. Promote To: This field determines the level customers are assigned if they surpass the threshold. If you are not using multiple loyalty levels, then leave this field blank.

    d. Multiplier: This field determines the number of loyalty points earned per dollar spent. It is common to set the multiplier to 1, so that customers earn one point for every dollar spent. If you use multiple loyalty levels, you can set the higher tier to a higher multiplier in order to reward customers for frequenting your facility. A multiplier of 2 would double their points per dollar spent, 3 would triple their points, and so on.

    e. Promote Sales Class To: This field allows you to specify a customer class to which you promote customers that surpass the threshold. You can reward more engaged customers with a better membership. If you choose not to use customer class as an incentive, then just leave this field blank.

  5. Select Save at the bottom of the screen. Add any other loyalty levels by repeating the above process as needed.

  6. Now you will set the general options for your standard loyalty program. Go to Loyalty Options > Standard Loyalty Setup.

    Several options can be customized from this area:

    a. Loyalty Date: Set when the loyalty program begins.

    b. Loyalty Point Redemption Reminder When Finalize Sales: Enable a pop-up window on the Sales screen to remind the customer that loyalty points are available for redemption. It will only be activated when an item being purchased is eligible for the loyalty point redemption.

    c. Default Loyalty Level Code: To the level to which all new customers default.

    d. Reset All to the Lowest Level: This button will reset all customer accounts to the default loyalty level listed. Important: When starting a new loyalty program, you can use this button to activate every customer and add them to the loyalty program.

    e. Reset All Points and All Loyalty Level to Default: This button will reset every customer’s points and return them to the default loyalty program.

    f. Reset All Points Only - Maintain Loyalty Level: This button will reset all customer loyalty point balances to zero while saving every customer’s loyalty level.

    g. Loyalty Level Code after member expire: This option allows you to define a loyalty level that customers are automatically assigned after their accounts expire. Use this to prevent them from earning loyalty points when their account expires.

    h. Calculate loyalty points based on: These options allow you to choose whether or not the tax amount is included when calculating the amount of loyalty points earned for a sale.

    i. Loyalty: These options allow you to choose whether to round up or down when loyalty point calculations produce a fractional amount of loyalty points.

    j. Loyalty Expires: These options set how loyalty points expire.

    k. Enable QTY-based Loyalty Earning: Not applicable. This option is not used with the Standard Loyalty Program.

    l. Enable Redemption Gift Card: This option allows customers to redeem loyalty points for a gift card. Go to Loyalty Options > Standard Loyalty Setup > Customer Loyalty Program to define the amount of points to redeem per dollar spent.

    m. Keep Earned Loyalty Level: This option uses the thresholds to determine what loyalty level the customer should be. If this option is checked, then the customer will always hold their elevated loyalty level even if they have redeemed enough points to drop them to the previous loyalty level.

    n. Loyalty Pt Issued cannot exceed total - less pay method of rain checks redeemed: This option sets loyalty point limits with the use of rain checks.

    o. Loyalty Pt Issued cannot exceed sale total - less pay method of gift card redeemed: This option sets loyalty point limits with the use of gift cards.

  7. Select Save after setting all options under Standard Loyalty Setup. An confirmation message "Update Completed" will display on the screen.

Assign Sales Categories and Inventory Items to the Loyalty Program

After establishing how the loyalty program will operate, you need to assign items from your product list as eligible for earning your customers loyalty points. This setting falls under the Sales Category options. Then, in the Inventory module, you will assign items as eligible for being redeemed by customers with loyalty points.

Step by step:

  1. Go to Tools > Options > Reference Tables > Sales Category.
    The Manage Sales Category screen will list all of your sales categories.

  2. Double-click on a category that you wish to assign loyalty points. Select the Loyalty check box and then Save.

  3. Repeat this for each sales category for which you will allow customers to earn loyalty points.

  4. Select the Close button to leave the Sales Category screen.

  5. Open the Inventory module and search for an inventory item for which you will allow customers to redeem loyalty points.

  6. Select an item and go to its Advanced tab.

  7. Select the Loyalty Point Redemption check box. Once the check box is selected, a text field appears. Enter the number of points needed in order to redeem the item.

  8. Select Save.

  9. Repeat this step for all inventory items for which you wish to allow customers to redeem points.

Enroll Customers in the Loyalty Program

Under the Standard Loyalty Setup, you are able to enroll ALL customers at once by using the “Reset ALL to Lowest Level” button. Otherwise, you can follow these steps to enroll customers individually.

Step by step:

  1. Open the Customer Module, and then search for and select a customer.

  2. Go to the Other tab and choose a loyalty level from the drop-down menu. Note: From here, you can also click the Edit Loyalty Points button to adjust the customer’s loyalty point balance, if needed.

  3. Select Save. Repeat this step for every customer you wish to enroll in the Loyalty Program.

Your system is now configured for the Standard Loyalty Program.

About Redeeming Loyalty Points

To redeem points with a customer, first make sure that they have points by viewing the customer's account in the Customer module. Then go to the Sales screen and look up the customer under Sold To. Ring in the loyalty-eligible items and finalize the sale. A prompt will remind you to use loyalty points to purchase the item. Select the Yes button to apply the points from the customer’s account to finalize the sale. If you configured the Redemption Gift Card option in Step 9 under setup, then you will be able to redeem loyalty points for gift card. To do this, select the customer’s account in the Sold To field. Select the Gift Card button, and follow the prompts to redeem points for a gift card.


Note: To reset Loyalty Discount Dollars use the Zero Loyalty Dollars button under the Tools | Options | Customer Management Options.Select the Zero Accounts/Batch Manual Adjustments/Archive transactions.