Revenue (pre-tax)
This is a Club Prophet Executive Report v4 – Power BI or PBI
Note: Samples are using demo data and do not reflect real world data.
The Revenue (pre-tax) report shows total revenue by industry grouping (Green Fee, Cart Fee, Merchandise, F&B, etc.) as the default level for the given filter (date range).
The doughnut chart shows the relative amounts when you hover over a section of the chart to see the actual amount with the total amount in the center of the graph. For example, hover your mouse over the Carts section to see:
Select the visual to enable some additional tools:
The top left tools allow you to drill down and drill back up through these different groupings: Industry Group, GL Description, and Sale Category Description.
The top right tools allow you Show Data, Export Data, Zoom in, etc. Select the “…” to show or export data.
Drill-down to the Sale Category level with the mouse hovering over Range:
Click the top right “…” and select Show Data.
To display this:
Select the Back to Report button to return.
There are various filters you can use to narrow down the data. Filters are the gold background controls as well as the Filters right hand sidebar.
- Filters which are the gold back color controls on the report allow you to pick from a list. Hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard to select multiple items.
- If you want to search for a particular value, use the filters in the right pane menu. They will have a search box in addition to a list of the items.
- Use the Advanced option in the right menu panel for advanced search options.
- Use the three dots […] in the top right of a visual for more options like Export data.
- Use the Help button to open the user guide for any given report .