Rounds – Acquired/Core/Defectors
This is a Club Prophet Executive Report v4 – Power BI or PBI.
Note: Samples are using demo data and do not reflect real-world data.
![Click to enlarge!](../Resources/Images/9PBI_Rounds_.Acquired_core_Defector/Rounds Acquired Core Defectors_thumb_0_225.png)
Rounds – Acquired
This report will show you those customers that are new vs. the prior year. So, we look at those players that played in the period defined in the Date Range, and if the given player did not play in the same period the prior year, we consider that an Acquired customer.
- Typically, this report runs for the current year or season, and then the it compares to the same dates in the prior year.
- The following three different reports are formatted the exact same way but with different comparisons:
- Acquired – New customers that played in the current period but not in the prior year are considered Acquired Customers.
- Core – Customers that played in both the current period and prior period are considered Core Customers.
- Defectors - Customers who have not played in the current period but have played in the prior period are considered Lost or Defectors.
So, in the Acquired report, you see that the Rounds- and Green Fees This Year has data, and Last Year is blank. Likewise, for the Core report, you will see data in both columns, and for Defectors, it will be the opposite of this example with no data in This Year and data shown in the Last Year columns.
This report also groups by Sales Class with each player under their perspective Class.
There are various filters you can use to narrow down the data. Filters are the gold background controls as well as the Filter's right-hand sidebar. In addition to the Date Range, you can also filter to a particular Store and/or Class.
- Filters which are the gold back color controls on the report allow you to pick from a list. Hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard to select multiple items.
- If you want to search for a particular value, use the filters in the right pane menu. They will have a search box in addition to a list of the items.
- Use the Advanced option in the right menu panel for advanced search options.
- Use the three dots […] in the top right of a visual for more options like Export data.
- Use the Help button to open the user guide for any given report